The Company undertakes cosultancy services and Studies at the following categories:
1. Environmantal Studies
-Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for:
- Metal Industry
- Waste to Energy plants
- Industrial zones
- Recycling industry
- Transportation
- Hydraulic networks
- Hotels and Golf
- Alternative Energy
- Power Plants
- ICT and Retail Parks
- Theme parks and Entertainment parks
- Quarrying
- Schools
- Ports
- Hospitals and health Facilities
-Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) according to 2001/42/EC) for:
- Transportation
- Retail Parks
- National Planning
- Urban Planning
-Specific Ecological Assessments
2. Domestic and Industrial Wastewater and Solid Waste Management Planning
3. Air pollution
4. Noise Mapping according to Directive 2002/49/EC, Measurement and Assessment of Environmental
noise according to ISO 1996-1, Noise Monitoring and Vibration Studies
5. Geological and Hydrogeological studies
6. Technical studies
7. Consulting Services
8. Research and Experimental development
9. Economic and Feasibility studies
10. Marketing - Maintenance of machinery, equipment and marketing of chemical products
11. Construction of Environmental projects